What Have I Done!?

What have I done?

I don’t know about you, but the reality of this “new abnormal” has changed the way I view my environment and my time. Some minor miracles of attitude shift have lifted me, along with so many others, into taking risks and being less judgmental of self and others. For me?

The David Crosby song “I Almost Cut My Hair” kept ricocheting every time I accidentally looked in the mirror. So, I cut it without even looking at a YouTube video. Just me and my mirror and a (fortunately) sharp pair of scissors. It’ll grow, and I feel so brave and wise.

  • Reading obituaries of those “older than me” and not feeling panic about my life and legacy.

  • I enjoy creating simple spots of order to highlight the beauty it frames: a bouquet from my country walk or the gifts from.

  • Sending postcards and notecards to those who are lonely. So fun to take the time to match the images with the person.

  • Resting for the sake of rest: I can feel when I’m tired, and a few minutes of simply sitting. I’m borrowing from deeper teachings: “Don't waste time worrying about how much time you have left.”

  • Speaking my truth to my family, in unusually close quarters, with calm and compassion, not always out loud. My journal has truly become my best friend. It lifts me up and slows me down and helps me see folly my own perceptions before spilling it out inelegantly.

  • Offering amends, checking in by asking “How are YOU?”, and being generous with thank you’s. It’s never too late. This goes double for kindnesses given and received.

  • Mentoring and supporting those who have more years ahead than I. My future lies in them.

I do not want to lose these lessons, to stay awake and receptive when “this is over.” And you?

Cynthia Wall1 Comment