Cynthia Wall




The quizzes are based on the material in my book
The Courage to Trust: a guide to deep and lasting relationships.


How Much Do You Trust Yourself?

If you were frequently shamed, betrayed, or suffered significant loss as a child, you may have difficulty knowing when to trust your own feelings. This often causes simple misunderstandings to flood you with self-doubt. Changing old patterns is a necessary step toward developing more self-trust. Take the following quiz to find out how you balance self-doubt and self-trust. TAKE QUIZ


How Adult Do You Feel?

This quiz comes from research with children from alcoholic and dysfunctional families. This is often referred to as feeling like “a child masquerading as an adult,” or being an Adult Child. The intention is to give you a sense of how your Child’s fears of inadequacy limits your Adult’s point of view. TAKE QUIZ


How Do You Handle Stress, Criticism, and Rejection?

The four responses to stress are: Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Faint. We all learned to react from how we were treated when we were children, OR from trauma that happened later. These patterns are deeply engrained. The following quiz can help you find your pattern of automatic reactions so that you can learn to change. It will also help you appreciate the growth you’ve made in breaking painful childhood cycles. TAKE QUIZ


Am I Overly Responsible?

The need to be needed, or the fear of being rejected, clouds the ability to tend to our own needs. Looking at the automatic reaction can help us to release and choose how we want to respond. TAKE QUIZ


Are you a Busyholic?

We’re all trained to do more, do it faster, and then criticize ourselves for not doing it better. The concept of taking a break? Ha! Brene Brown said “If we ever start 12 Step groups for busyholism, we’ll have to hold them in football stadiums.” TAKE QUIZ


The quizzes are inspired by the material in my audio book, Embracing True Prosperity.


Are You Afraid of Success?

This quiz was adapted from a questionnaire developed at Boston College and published in The Success-Fearing Personality by Donnah Canavan, Katherine Garner & Peter Bumpert. TAKE QUIZ

Are You a Money Drunk?

from The Money Drunk by Mark Bryan & Julia Cameron

The Money Drunk has a strong, sensible and spiritually focused "12 steps" based system of addressing and healing each of these categories. It is used in the Debtors Anonymous Program. TAKE QUIZZES