A belated love letter to my Grandmother Lena.
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence has mated with The Internet, and we need to wrestle with their offspring.
Read MoreWe experience loneliness less as an absence of others, but more of a disconnect from what is right and core to ourselves.
Read MoreWe needn’t be so terribly afraid of the dark.
Read MoreI’m mostly done taking the broken piece.
Read More“What’s the point of trying?” I used to be afraid of this question. But my answer is now firm and confident…
Read MoreHow is it possible we can see the futility, even danger, in what we do, but do it anyway?
Read MoreThe second step is to “let it go.” The first is to feel the loss.
Read MoreMost “miscommunication” is caused by predicting—as opposed to listening—to what is being said.
Read MoreSimplicity is the ultimate sophistication Leonardo Da Vinci
Read MoreWhen doing nothing is a necessary thing to do
Read MoreAsk yourself: when was the last time you felt totally free of the pressure to “check”? Consider the steps needed to slow down and listen to one’s own thoughts.
Read More“What would you do if you knew how long you had to live?” I’ve been asking myself some version of this question for decades, mostly to encourage me to dream and plan..
Read MoreHow well have you tended to long-time relationships during pandemic isolation, aging, crises, and dread of the near future? I hear from many that they are waking up to having lost intimacy with the dearest of friends. 🥰
Read MoreThere are times in any longish life that we prefer being conmfortabel over all other states of being. But consider this: the original meaning of comfort was to give strength (com+forte), encouraging those facing adversity, grief, and uncertainty, and enable them to keep going.
Read MoreComplaining is a fruitless wish that “it were not thus,” …But, if we avoid seeking meaningful resolution, we are limited to wishing and hoping things will morph from unpleasant to perfect all on their own (small odds).
Read MoreIt happened in an instant. I’m fine, on target for that healthy meal, and whammo! I reached for the chips instead. Instant gratification doesn’t just make us fat, broke, and awash in clutter. It atrophies the rational part of the brain that tells us we really don’t want to eat, buy, or leave important things undone. Results are poorer memory, spiraling dissatisfaction, lack of impulse control in general, and ultimately a miserable existence. Don’t stop reading, it gets worse.
Read MoreThis particular musing is not about how to make a perfect decision. You have free will, and there are no Option Police who will arrest you for the car you picked or whether you went back to PC after trying a Mac.
Read MoreI’m being pointedly advised by various healers of the benefit of improving my relationship to “rest.” I didn’t have a clue what they meant, other than sleeping more and doing less. What is showing up in my pulses and vitals that causes my health care team to be concerned? This is my quest.
Read MoreI found a small stack of my mother’s journals after her death in 1992, and they were very much like mine: each began with a diligent promise to notate every day. Almost immediately a few days skipped, then self-recrimination. I guess we both kept re-starting because we believed it was a portal to something good, a doorway to become better versions of ourselves.
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